
Little Doors

are about to be opened ... yes the time has finally come. snow, cheesy films, candy, gifts, love and more candy ... its christmas time my least favourite time of the year. everybody smiles and forced happiness is what dictates our emotions. i know i shouldn't be so ugly and celebrate and i do because i'm the worlds best liar haha! christmas is here and of course SD hasn't forget about it. the traditional advent calender is now avalible for all SD citizens. 

and here it is. it looks waaaay better than the last one i think. it really looks like the one my parents bought me. BUT SD feels generous this time of the year, we got a second calender, no this time i am not lying i promise!

ha! see a second one and a really special one too. hotbuys calender that means 31 one hotbuys in one month. i'm really excitetd how they will look like. hm seems the boring days of the last month's were i nearly felt asleep after logging into SD are finally over.

stay edgy