

... its me A_Horror. this is a little thing i wanne try out. a blog with a focus on stardoll. i wanne write about fashion which inspires me ... a medoll ... to dress like i'm dressing. there are many sd blogs out there even one for goth people but there is no longer a blog ( since inspired by ... stardoll seems to be forgotten by its owner) which really shows a more indiependent kind of style (accept maybe pinupdolls.blogspot.com a blog you should definitely have an eye on), a more alternative style. i personally really miss a blog  going into this direction. as many great things have happen because people couldn't find what threre looking for and start to create there own i hope this one will be one of these too. otherwise its a great way to save some memories of my fashion evolution.

by the way i'm not a native english speaker so i wanne apologize for bad grammar or wrong written words ... please show some mercy.